Need a trailer to store and move your vintage car to your local car show? Look no further: the 8.5×20 has more than enough room for car storage and can hold the weight with its tandem axle. The tandem axle is built for heavy payloads and long-distance hauls. This enclosed trailer will keep your car clean and safe, whether you are moving it to show it off or storing it for safekeeping. If cars are not your thing, customization is available for your various storage and hauling needs.
Stock #129
- all LED lights
- 16″ on center cross members roof, walls & ceiling
- 2-3500lb axles with electric brakes
- .040 exterior metal
- 7ft Height upgrade
- spare tire mount in front v-nose
- Radial tires
*Prices and availability are subject to change without notice. Time frames are subject to change on new custom-build trailers.* Price listed is for INVENTORY units. The specifications listed are for Peach Cargo LLC (specifications may vary from different manufacturers)
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